Jean Marc Foltz, Sylvain Kassap, Armand Angster and Jürgen Kupke, Michael Thieke, Gebhard Ullmann (clarinet, eb clarinet, alto clarinet, bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet)


Itinéraire bis (Between The Lines 2013)


The French Trio de Clarinettes and the German Clarinet Trio team up for the ultimate large Clarinet Ensemble. From high Eb clarinet to low contrabass clarinet at times up to 4 (!) bass clarinets, compositions by each member of the group this is one of the most exciting woodwind groups on the scene. Many performance elements, complex compositions, pure entertainment, advanced playing, every concert may change within a second.

'Keks ist Fortschritt. Ein Geist fröhlicher Verrücktheit springt den Hörer an. Da attackieren sich die Musikr erst mit ihren Stimmen in einer Art Prolog. Dann übernehmen die Hörner das Regiment, entfalten eine kühne Rhetorik, lassen Ideen und Emtotionen fliessen. Jedes Stück ist anders, und die Pluralität der Ansätze bildet das grosse Ganze. Jazz? Neue Musik? Klassik? Alles ist dabei.' (Stefan Pieper, Jazzthetik)

'Prominent European purveyors of jazz clarinet fare - The Clarinet Trio and Le Trio de Clarinettes - align for a joint mission that covers a wide spectrum of applications, ideas and surprises. They produce the sounds of nature, and render highly melodic song forms while including doses of humour amid punchy motifs and hords of delicate contrasts ... No doubt 'Itenéraire bis' is one of the finer clarinet-centric outings I have had the pleasure of previewing in quite some time.' (Glenn Astarita, Allabout Jazz)



+49 (0)30 275 963 19
+49 (0)177 234 97 73
Gotenstrasse 3
D - 10829 Berlin